Department of Pediatric Cardiologist
Dr. Himanshu Tyagi
Consultant Pediatric Cardiologist
Phone : 9989140211
Email :
Dr. Himanshu Tyagi is a Pediatric Cardiologist practicing at JIET Hospital, Jodhpur, He has a vast experience of 9 years in the field of Pediatric Cardiology. Before joining JIET, he has worked in reputed hospitals like Apollo Hyderabad, Max Hospital Delhi, and Artemis Hospital Gurugram.
Dr. Himanshu deals with children with heart diseases (heart holes, blue babies). He is an expert in performing Pediatric Echocardiography (to diagnose the heart disease). He has been performing device closures, balloon valvoplasties also called cardiac treatment without surgery, in the smallest of the children.
JIET has a separate Pediatric Cardiology team to look after these babies. It is the only center in western Rajasthan, performing cardiac procedures in children.
M.D. (Pediatrics)
FCPC (Pediatric Cardiology)
FNB (Pediatric Cardiology)
Fetal Echocardiography
Neonatal and Pediatric Echocardiography
ASD, PDA, VSD Device Closure
Balloon Valvoplasty (Aortic and Pulmonary)
Paliative Procedures (PDA Stenting)
Awards and Accomplishment
Life Member of PCSI
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